Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Laundry Day Solutions Giveaway 2/20

Laundry Day Solutions Giveaway 
Hosted By Oh! My Heartsie  Co-Host Brooke Blogs
Prize for One Winner is
One Package of Woolzies 1000 Loads Of Soft Laundry $29.99

"I really like doing the laundry, because I succeed at it. But I loathe putting it away.
 It is already clean".
Jenny Holzer

Woolzie Dryer balls are made of wool rather than some that are made of plastic with no harsh chemicals to harm you and the environment. They can cut down drying time by 25% on large loads and 35-40% on small loads, saves you time, energy and money. 
Each box cost $34.95 and can be purchased direct from their site Woolzies

Oh! and did I mention Woolzie Dryer Balls are handmade!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

End 2/20

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NaturalHairLatina received no compensation for this post. Also, an affiliate of one or more of the products and banners you will see on this site. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own. Any promotion on this site is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Stumble, Digg or Google. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. NaturalHairLatina Disclosure. ©2013, copyright NaturalHairLatina


  1. I make my own. Laundry detergent and fabric softener. I love it!

  2. I like Arm and Hammer dteregent because it seems to get our clothes fresh, but I know it isn't very eco-friendly. I would love to switch to a wash ball. Lori D.

  3. Love Tide, for the scent and how well it works, it's the best.


  4. I've used purex for years and love, Love, LOVE resolve stain stick

  5. I like Tide...it works the best & is worth the extra cost.

  6. seventh generation not as pure but close would to switch to a wash ball

  7. Biokleen, which is local to my city, for all my family's laundry as well as my baby's cloth diapers.

  8. I use Purex best for the money I have found and I love Downy or Snuggles to soften

  9. Whatever is on sale and no ones allergic to!

  10. I use Pyrex and Tide Pods

  11. I use Purex and All but I got a sample of Tide Pods and I really like them

  12. I love Tide with Frebreeze in it... smells SO good... :)

  13. I use what ever is the cheapest.

  14. I use pods of what ever is on sale.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  15. i have stains that i cna not get out out the kid clotehes and then my stuff when i spill choch or soa on them

  16. I have a favorite brand but honestly I buy what is on sale

  17. I use Gain washing liquid the original scent. I love to still smell it on my clothes days letter.

  18. I like anything that makes my clothes smell clean and fresh

  19. we use tide free it is strong enough and gentle.

  20. I use wisk cold wAter detergent.

  21. I use what is on sale. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. I like Tropical traditions laundry detergent, because leaves my clothes very soft, and cleans well.

  23. Downy fabric softener; smells *fabulous*! :-)

  24. I usually just get whatever detergent happens to be on sale.

  25. I buy the cheap laundry detergent a lot since I do SO many loads, and money is tight. Right now I'm using Sun the clean and fresh scent. It works well and smells good.

  26. I currently use Tide, works pretty well for us! I use a couple of homemade wool balls, but would love to try the Woolzies to see if it's different!

  27. I like Tide because it works well.

  28. I love to use Tide detergent as it gets my clothes clean and smelling fresh.

  29. I use Gain because I like the scent


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NaturalHairLatina often receives compensation for post. And/or is an affiliate of one or more of the products and banners you will see on this site. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own and a good fit for readers. Any promotion on this site is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered or associated with any social media site. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. NaturalHairLatina Disclosure. ©2017, copyright NaturalHairLatina

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