Friday, January 4, 2013

Nursing Pillow Giveaway 1/15 #Bellies2Babies Hop

Welcome to the Bellies To Babies Giveaway Hop! Since she is expecting her second child in January, MamaNYC decided to host this event in order to celebrate the upcoming birth of her little girl. We’ve gathered together to bring all of you some amazing prizes geared towards maternity and baby. Bellies To Babies is a celebratory kickoff event as an extension of MamaNYC’s maternity and baby gift guide with the same name. This event will run until January 15th, which means you will have plenty of time to enter all of our giveaways. Good Luck!

For NaturalHairLatina potion one lucky winner will receive Comfort & Harmony ergonomic nursing pillow 

Price $39.99
18+ Us only

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  NaturalHairLatina  received no compensation to write this post and is an affiliate of one or more of the products and banners you will see on this site. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own. Life With Levi responsible for prize. Any promotion on this site is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Stumble, Digg or Google. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. NaturalHairLatina Disclosure. ©2013, copyright NaturalHairLatina


  1. My son- "you know what Mom? you are pretty"
    Me - "aww thank you sweetie!"
    son - "yep, even with your hair all messed up like that" lol
    terri.moore30 at yahoo dot com

  2. The funniest one more recently was when our 5 yr old said to my husband "Daddy, when I was 90 yrs old like you I had Army socks like that", LMAO

  3. My son doesn't say much yet, but when he wants to breastfeed, he says "boob?" It's pretty embarrassing.

  4. My sister had a new couch delivered and it happened to be my nephews birthday. He ran downstairs and his eyes got really wide when he saw the couch and he said, 'Happy Birthday to Me!!'

  5. When my son was 3 we were eagerly anticipating Christmas. We knew that this would be the year that he would really start to get into the excitement of the pile of gifts and all the cool, shiny toys. Imagine our shock, and ensuing hilarity when he tore the paper off the first one and said "OOOOOOOO.....a BOX!!!!" He was so excited to have a big box to play with!! Who knew we could have gotten him a stack of empty boxes and made his day!

  6. Angie
    My son had imaginary friends when he was really little. He always had a group of girls following him. He would always say he had his girls on his back. I though it was so funny.

  7. When my son threw up for the first time he said, " Mommy, I did the big sneeze!"

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. My little one isn't born yet. I guess (s)he's saying gurgle. ;-)

  9. Mine cant talk yet but Im sure she'll have some funny stuff to say

  10. I asked my 17 yr old when she was 4 " where does milk come from " and she said " your boobies " LOL

  11. My baby isn't due until April, but her daddy is a big joker. I'm sure she will say lots of funny things.

  12. my 3yo son asked why his little 7 mo sister has a tushy in the front

  13. i was taking a walk with my then 3 year old grandson...he was picking apart a pine cone & dropping it as we walked...i finally asked him what he was doing...he said my name is hansel and i'm leaving a trail so we can find our way home. i thought oh how smart..... or does he think his grandma is senile & can't find her way back-lol

  14. My daughter is just starting to talk so unfortunately I haven't had any of these moments yet, but I am sure they are yet to come!

  15. oh I remembered one my mother in law told me my husband said to her when he was little.
    She was all dressed up to go out with her husband when her daughter said mom you look pretty, followed by her oldest son trying to one-up his sister by saying "you look beautiful mom", my husband wanted to one-up him so he said "mom you look ginormous" (trying to say gorgeous)

  16. My daughter told me she wanted to grow up to be short like me.

  17. I don't have kids yet, but i look forward to the funny things they will say!

  18. when I was four I asked my aunt why she had a mustache..since only men have hair on their face.

  19. My little one is due in next month, but I've enjoyed my nieces and nephews. When my niece was 1 year old my husband was telling her to enjoy her life now because it all goes down hill from here. She looked at him and said "well then I'll get a really big sled".

  20. My daughter was 4 when she was in a dressing room with me, and told me when she grows up she hopes her boobs are nice and long like mine...argh!!! She's 12 now, and only slightly less embarrassing ;)

  21. my daughter has just barely started talking, i guess the funniest thing she does right now is tell me and her dad how much she loves her bubba, (brother) and when we ask her if she loves mama and dada she says no, just bubba...its cute for now

  22. son - real big loud poot
    dad - "who did that"
    son - "Mommy"
    LOL... He was about 14 months old when he said this. LOL
    April Harvell

  23. When we were dating hubby was a firefighter and we were at the grocery store with my youngest - he saw a fire truck and got all excited yelling look a firef*ck, look a firef*ck - cute and funny

  24. A(3) "I tooted" then a moment later "Something stinks. It must be T "(little brother)
    Me: He's in his crib sleeping
    A: "oh, then it was the dog"

  25. Our son is still not talking really well yet and my wife is pregnant with #2 :) He does do some really funny things though, like getting into our pantry and spilling a whole bottle of vegetable oil all over the kitchen floor (my wife wasn't as amused as I was).

  26. My husband doesn't cuss, but says 'Jiminy Crickets' instead. My daughter broke a glass this weekend and busted out her very first 'Jiminy Crickets' We about died.

  27. My 3 year old was playing by himself the other day and he suddenly says, "Holy haggis, Batman." Totally cracked me up!

  28. I don't have children yet, so no funny stories yet.

  29. This one doesn't come from my kid, but it was awesome.
    Kid: knock knock!
    Adult: Who's there?
    K: A cow and a muffin mix!
    *kid collapses on floor in heap of rolling laughter*
    She made up the joke herself and it was the funniest thing she'd ever experienced.

  30. I asked my 5 year old if he thought I was having a boy or a girl and he said, "both.". I asked why he thought that and he said, "because there are two babies." and he pointed at my chest!

  31. This mama is too tired to think of something funny. I am sure something happened in the last couple of days....I just can't think of it right now.

  32. passing by a by white hotel my 4 year old says "Look my the White House where Obama lives!!!" I said no honey it's a hotel. "Mom it's white and has a big flag with lots of stamps!!" LOL!!!

  33. My first son is due in 3 weeks--so I have no funny stories YET! :) Looking forward to many of them!!!

  34. my son told me that he wanted to ride in the alligator.... elevator

  35. Hubby plays Black Ops 2 and loves the Zombies mode. My daughter screams out "kill the stompees!!" Lol, I'm honey, those are slippers.

  36. my son - walks around and says "I;m sneaking on you:

  37. my daughter said to me mommy do u know what r u doing? while i was doing my squads too cute;-)she is 5 y old

  38. My son is full of funny sayings. Most recently, his take on how baby brother or sister will be born is hilarious...he says we will go to the hospital and the doctor will push mommy and then the baby will be through the eyes of a 5 year old...entertaining!!

  39. My son went to his grandma's house this weekend and I needed to drop him off some extra clothing. He asked me to bring him a pack of crackers before I left the house. Needless to say, I forgot them. He told me, "Ahhh Man. That's okay, but don't forget them next time".

  40. Christopher: I've got good news and bad news.
    Me: What's the bad news?
    Christopher: A tornado is going to take this house down.
    Me: What's the good news?
    Christopher: I love you!

    krishackney at suddenlink dot net

  41. no kids yet for funny comments - hopefully soon though!

  42. My IDENTICAL twin 5 year old boys were fighting a few weeks ago about who was "handsomer"- kid you not. I thought... I wish I had a video camera to catch this argument :-p

  43. I remember my niece asking my sister how she could eat anything if there was a baby in her belly.

  44. When a stranger asked my son how old he was he told him he was 1 million years old!
    priscillavbenavides at yahoo dotcom

  45. I think the funniest thing right now is that he calls me "ME"...I think its cause I say would you like me to help he calls me ME! LOL Yep..thats my new name! ME!

  46. My daughter isn't born yet (I'm due in 3 weeks), but I can't wait to laugh and be shocked with what she says!

  47. This happened about a month or two ago...(Please note that my oldest, Raven is 3, and my youngest, Ashlynn, is now 5 months and is teething.)

    Raven: "Momma! Ashlnn's teeth are PINK!"
    Me: "No, those are her gums. Ashlynn doesn't have teeth yet."
    Raven: "She has gum?! Momma, I want gum too!"
    Me: "Raven, Ashlynn is too young to be chewing gum, so no, she doesn't have any."
    Raven: *Looks at me like I just said something stupid, and walks away*
    Me: *facepalm*

  48. She told me that we were princess and her brother was a tangerine.

  49. Mommy I love you for making yummy food!

  50. I dont have any kids but my sister is expecting. I cant wait!

    Brittney House

  51. When my youngest son was born his older brother said he wanted to be bald like his brother. I said we could cut his hair short but I couldn't make him bald. He was very disappointed.

  52. My son told his teacher I was 98 years old yesterday.

  53. I don't have any children, but a friend is expecting her first, and would love to gift this to her.

  54. We are thinking about having a second child, and when we asked our daughter whether she'd like a brother or sister, she said, "Sister. Boys don't like me, but girls always love me." lol. She is only 3.

  55. We were walking back home after picking my son up from preschool. He said, "I'm tired - I must be getting old" Very adorable coming from a 3 year old!

  56. My little sister was telling my mom about a family friend's wife that she just met. She tells my mom the lady is fluffy not fat.

  57. My son is at the stage where he spells everything! "Mom I have to go to the bathroom to go p-e-n-i-s!" Almost LOL!

  58. I have to go poop! Real loud at Wal-Mart. (she has said funnier things, but can't think of anything right now. :))

  59. My kids are always saying crazy off the wall things. One day we were in Walmart and a guy at the end of the isle tooted and my daughter looked at my husband and said "Dad are you serious? In public!!" It was hilarious!!!

  60. Our first little one is on the way, to be here soon, so no funny things here! but my niece says some funny things- before I had told any of my family I was pregnant, she told her mom that there was a baby in aunt Hayley's tummy :) (I was only about 6 weeks along hah... ) :)

  61. First little guy is on the way, to be here soon! so no funny things from me! :)

  62. Our first little one is on the way, but I can only imagine all the cute things I will be hearing!

  63. My son isn't saying anything other than "mama" yet, but lately he's making us laugh making these vampire hissing sounds when he's playing with trucks. I can't wait to hear the funny things he will say though!

    acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com

  64. My son said his butt burped when he was younger.....

  65. My 2 year old woke up kind of early one day. I told her to go back to sleep to which she replied: my sleep is gone. And sure enough, it was. She was wide awake!

  66. My 3 year old daughter asked me what the cemetery was as we drove by and I explained her that when people pass away that's where their buried. She looks at me for a second and then says who killed all those people....

  67. when the twin were small my duaghter came up to me and said mommmy dommie need a bottle and dippey she meant that the baby need a bottle and diaper but i just change her and gave her bottle but she was only 12 mo old

  68. My kids are all grown now and yes I wish I would have written down all the funny things they had said. Now, I am a Nana and I guess I had better start writing down those funny things because they will be grown before we know what happened. Stephanie Thompson

  69. My kids say funny things every single day :)

    eg kaufman

  70. My oldest is learning chinese (he is half) and instead of ni hao ma (how r u) he said what about your knee ma? i was laughing. When i learned chinese i used words similar in english to learn and thats how i learned it 12 yrs ago and hes only 5 lol

  71. My son asked me if he could shave the potatoes too.

  72. I'm so terrible at remembering quotable moments, but recently we were trying to convince our 3 year old that he can't come into our bed anymore when he wakes up in the night once the new baby comes if the baby is in with us nursing, so we told him there isn't room in the bed for all of us, and he said "maybe if we get more pillows??", lol. Such a problem-solver!

  73. My baby is only 4 months old but i can't wait until he starts talking , off hte top of my head, I can only remember my niece telling me a month after I had my son if i was going to have another baby already as she was patting my tummy..LOL I guess it still looked big to her! :) she's only 4 though

  74. She asked a guy with an eye patch if he was a pirate.

  75. Well my daughter is a red head and we were shopping when she was 4 and a lady says to her "where did you get that beautiful hair and she looked at the lady with the weirdest face and says Ummm I was born with it.. LOL

  76. My son can't pronounce S or T very well right now. So if he knows it's bath time and ask to take a bath he will say "Take a baf mom I neank. Meaning I stink.


  77. My daughter "I really want a Furby for Christmas this year."
    Me "I had one when I was little."
    Her, "Man, those things are OLD!"

    Thanks daughter lol!

  78. My son when he was 3 LOUDLY said "move your a** dad!" in a restaraunt....he had heard it from one of us I'm sure and just parroted it out

  79. My granddaughter told her teacher her breathe smelled like pizza and cupcakes. IM not sure this was an insult lol.

  80. So far my baby girl isn't talking. But she did make me smile and laugh when she was nursing, fell asleep, rolled over like normal(we co-sleep), started stirring, I figured she would go back to sleep, then out of no where she crawls over me to get her stuffed monkey! that was the same night she learned to crawl!

  81. "no water! no water!" when he was scared of the ocean:)

  82. our nephew said he hated heaven. we asked him why and figured out that he thought the cemetery was heaven, priceless!

  83. My oldest has always been a independent little thing. She never wanted help when she was younger and would always say "Me doodit". I call her my me doodit girl.

  84. My oldest has always been an independent little thing. She never wanted help when she was younger and would always say "Me doodit". I call her my me doodit girl.

  85. I told my son I had to wipe his nose cause his nose was running, and he said "NO! those are melted boogies!"

  86. my 16 month old doesn't say much yet but her new favorite thing is to grab a pair of underwear from my drawer and wear them on her head lol

  87. when my son was about two we were riding in the car and a rock flew up underneth the car and made a loud noise and he said mama what was that i said a rock he said o ok i know...a bird threw it at us lol and my daughter says her arm pit is her arm pick lol

  88. my daughter asked the cars sales man if she could test drive the cars

  89. During church my son loudly said and repeated "I boohooed! I boohooed!" which means he had a stinky diaper.

  90. I don't sing well at all. When my son was little, i was rocking him and singing a lullaby, he reached up, put his little finger on my lips, and said "No more singing Mommy, please" Funny, but ouch.

  91. We are getting a puppy in a couple days I asked my 2 year old boy what to name her and he said Kitty cat lol

  92. Every time she does something funny or forgets something she knows she says "oh, I so silly!"

  93. When my husband asked my 6 yr old what the capitol of Mississippi was, she replied, "M". Well she was right! lol...

  94. I don't have any children yet but my when i lived with my aunt she babysat for a family of four kids the youngest was 2 years old and he'd run around yelling for juice all the time. Juice! Juice! Juice Mary! He'd do that all day.

  95. My favorite thing that my daughter used to do is grab my face to look at her and she would say, tell me you sorry!

  96. I have have kids and want to win this for my cousin.

    bmweida at yahoo dot com

  97. I went to pick my daughter up from school and one of her lil friends said "wow your mom is old" My daughter looked at him and said"She isn't old, she's just a lil crunchy" I literally LOL>

  98. She likes to say "Go girl, go!" I don't know where she got it from but it's hilarious!

  99. I love the way my son says cinnamon...cimannon

  100. My daughter was talking about Jesus at Easter when she was 3 or 4. She said after he was killed He said "Sticks and stones may break my bones...." :) Uh, we worked on that. :)


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